

Web & Mobile App
Logistics Automation

Knauf is one of the world's largest manufacturers of gypsum boards, dry construction systems, gypsum-based products, thermal insulation, screeds and flooring systems, cement boards, ceilings, construction chemicals, packaging, and equipment. With 220 production plants and sales organizations in over 70 countries, the Knauf Group is active on every continent.

Development Objective

We help digitalize and automate the logistics and dispatch process for the products manufactured by the client.


  • Online purchase order signing
  • Shipment tracking
  • Billing summary download


A web platform was developed to optimize Knauf's logistics process. This platform allows for entering customer orders, editing the details of each order, scheduling shipments for carriers, tracking dispatch status, signing purchase orders, and receiving confirmation via email. All of this is done under the review of the various corresponding administrative stages, so that the billing summary can ultimately be downloaded.