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We help you find the best professionals for your company

We have a specialized team, aimed at filling strategic positions for our clients. We thoroughly investigate the labor market from our digital profiles, presenting suitable people to perform their functions. We use a variety of technology platforms to find and recruit your perfect team.
Get started

Process of recruitment
Garage Labs

1. Profile survey

Understand the needs, context and singularities of the client.

2. Talent Search

Attraction and selection of specific talent for the raised role.

3. Validation

Initial interviews: Meeting expectations, cultural fit, technical knowledge, reference checking.

4. Delivery of candidates

8-business day SLA.Search results/Candidate presentation.8 días hábiles. Resultados de la búsqueda. Presentación de candidatos.

5. Final interview

Support in coordinating interviews with the client.

6. Contracting

Follow-up on the presentation and signing of an offer letter.

We know you can't keep waiting

In today's digital world, finding the right people for your company can be a real challenge. But with our recruitment and selection service, you can be sure that you will have access to a large group of highly trained professionals in areas such as web development, social media management, data analytics and more.
In addition, our personalized approach ensures that we will find the people who best fit the needs and values of your company. We ensure that candidates not only have the necessary technical skills, but also the right attitude and the ability to work well as a team.
Let us handle the entire recruitment and selection process for you. We guarantee that you will find the best digital talent to propel your business to success.
Do you want a Garagelaber on your computer?

Let's work together!

In just 8 days we present you with candidates
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